IPRS Limited have specialised and been the market leader in the removal, pre-treatment, application and repairs to all types of architectural coatings & finishes for the past ten years.
Our vast technical experience gained in spraying operations both on / off site to curtain walling, aluminium / steel extrusions, steelwork, anodising, food safe / clean-room and all types of coil coated cladding panels has focussed the IPRS team to market our company across a broader spectrum.
We have invested in research & development of alternative coating systems over the past 3 years. Our main focus is a strong emphasis on performance, quality, teamwork and a "hands-on” management approach to ensure client satisfaction. We take our quality, safety and environmental responsibilities extremely seriously and pride ourselves on our standards.
IPRS Limited can now offer our Clients stress free coating refurbishment solutions, coating testing / reporting and consultancy to all types of Architectural, Industrial, Marine & Protective coatings and all project managed by one company.
Our alliance with specialist coating consultants / highly skilled specialised contractors and innovative manufacturers allow IPRS to provide the optimum coating solution package to our clients for all of their requirements in the area of specialised coatings i.e. Architectural & Industrial / Protective coatings.
Providing we do not already have a solution to suit a client’s requirement, IPRS will undertake extensive research to provide cost effective solutions tailored to meet each client’s individual circumstance.
IPRS Limited are approved specialist contractors & consultants, for all of our recommended coating systems, by each individual manufacturer and our certified staff are trained in the aspects of application methods, protection, Health & Safety, risk assessment and good on-site conduct.
Our management team will arrange to coordinate with any production or construction schedule, following a site visit to plan the work and to confirm the specification.