Facade & Corporate Colour Refurbishment – Corporate Colour / Logo re-branding.

The Façade refurbishment & corporate in-situ colour service provided by IPRS Limited is one that covers all types of buildings and business across every sector from retail to the motor industry. The service will meet the demand of any client bringing you from the design stage of the project to completion.

We can offer our Clients a stress free refurbishment solution in preventing considerable disruption to production and the workplace. IPRS Limited develop a good understanding with all our clients of the potential problems but with detailed planning and choice of materials to suit each specific environment requirement all difficulties can be overcome.

IPRS Limited will also evaluate and assess costs, durability of new coating system, guarantee and each building owners tailored needs.

The quality of an over-coating solution and its longevity is influenced by the way in which it is installed. IPRS Limited workmanship, quality and adherence to manufacturer’s guidelines is clearly defined by our approval of household names such as Peugeot Ireland, Mc Donalds Ireland, Tesco, Lidl, Aldi and many more references, which can be obtained from our Head Office.

Our works are carried out in alliance with Scanplan who provides complete design solutions for corporate branding of new or existing buildings to include photo-surveys, CAD layouts for exterior & interior, photo-realistic visuals of the proposals, liaison with the sign manufacturer and installation supervision.

During 30 years, Frank Scanlon of Scanplan has amassed a wealth of branding knowledge with experience of corporate standards for Brands such as Peugeot, Citroen, Merdedes Benz & VW amongst others.

Work is carried out to the highest standards using professional standard camera and computer equipment and latest CAD software.

By refurbishing your existing building you will give it a new life,image and re-sale value.

Facade refurbishments
Peugeot Motor Dealership Before

Cladding maintenance
Peugeot Motor Dealership After

Facade repair
HoseTech, Cork

I.P.R.S. provide design and Implementation of the repiars
Smyths Toys, Galway.