Curtain Walling (Windows / doors) refurbishment
I.P.R.S. Limited carry out repairs and apply individual / site specific coating systems required in-situ on site or at our spray facility off site to damaged Curtain Walling.
Typical Damage # 1
Typical Damage # 2
All curtain walling surfaces should be protected from abrasion, scuffing and other damage during transportation and installation.
Many facade materials including curtain walling have to be finished or coated to protect them from the environment and give the required appearance. The quality of the finish may be the greatest factor affecting the useful life of the wall and when damaged is likely to be a contentious issue if the appearance is not acceptable to the client.
When scratched or damaged the metal may rot, corrode and suffer other forms of degradation in the presence of moisture, U.V., salt laden air and air borne pollutants.
Mortar drops and similar alkaline materials can be particularly damaging to coatings and paint finishes during the construction of any project.
Repairs to curtain walling coated surfaces can be carried out to the highest of standards
by our experienced trained specialist staff and prevent a replacement process, which can delay programmes and incur un-necessary costs.
Preparation & masking of damaged curtain walling
The service provided to maintain all types of curtain walling coating systems including powder coating, using the latest in professional coating systems, enables I.P.R.S to guarantee 100% paint adhesion, colour matching and offer back to back guarantees with the Manufacturer.
Completion Example # 1; Completion Example # 2
Completion Example # 3